Project Ethiopia Benevolence

$56.49 / $5,000.00
Campaign ID
Project Ethiopia Benevolence
PEB is a 501c3 charity registered with the State of Texas and IRS. PEB was organically formed when a young man who was mentored by missionaries discovered 15 children living on the streets of Arba Minch, Ethiopia. This young man was encouraged to serve his community and fellow man by kindness and truly living out the scripture that tells us to "do unto others as you would have done unto you". PEB supports the daily care and maintenance of a boys home and a girls home for children abandoned on the streets to live in drainage ditches and beg for good. We supply their daily needs as well as education, spiritual growth and help them expand their world to others in their community as well. They are also, as they age being taught trades to support their future life.
Total Raised
End Date
December 15, 2024

Questions? Contact us

Rank Name Amount Teammate ID
1 Carran Manning $56.49 1466483